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4.3 Outro

You made it! We're excited to see you off into the real world where you can apply everything you've learnt here.

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Give yourselves a pat on the back for making it to the end of this series. 

We went through the fundamentals of understanding a business, introduced you to a whole new website building tool, and you even built an entire website from scratch. That’s pretty impressive. 

And while we’ve given you a framework on how to build a great website, this is just one way to do this. As you start this journey you may tweak this approach, add to it, or you might do something completely different. 

And that’s really how you begin to set yourself apart. You build on top of this framework and make it your own with every business you work with. 

And the more businesses you work with, the more you grow as a top-notch web developer building websites that drive real results, and we’re so excited to see what you come up with. 

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Series episodes

I. Introduction
I. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is a Website?
1.2 What is a Website?
II. Business Fundamentals
II. Business Fundamentals
2.1 Understanding Brand and Business
2.1 Understanding Brand and Business
2.2 Understanding the Brand's Audience
2.2 Understanding the Brand's Audience
2.3 Website Case Studies
2.3 Website Case Studies
2.4 Structure of a Website
2.4 Structure of a Website
III. Exploring Webflow
III. Exploring Webflow
3.1 How Websites Work
3.1 How Websites Work
3.2 Introduction to Webflow
3.2 Introduction to Webflow
3.3 Building a Website on Webflow Pt.1
3.3 Building a Website on Webflow Pt.1
3.4 Building a Website on Webflow Pt.2
3.4 Building a Website on Webflow Pt.2
3.5 Building a Website on Webflow Pt.3
3.5 Building a Website on Webflow Pt.3
IV. Hosting and Domains
IV. Hosting and Domains
4.1 Hosting & Custom Domains
4.1 Hosting & Custom Domains
4.2 Things to Remember
4.2 Things to Remember
4.3 Outro
4.3 Outro