Saasmit Chhetri
Monday, September 6, 2021

Being a freelancer has been a super interesting, rollercoaster of a journey so far. It has allowed me to stretch my creativity and practice what I do in various fields and explore myself and my art form. It has also constantly allowed me to seek discomfort and grow as a video editor.
The exposure and experiences that I have gained have given me a unique insight into the industry that I want to work in even before actually graduating out of college, which according to me, is very important because now as I graduate I have a clear vision as to what I want to pursue in my career.
Along with these experiences, I’ve also gained financial freedom, with a steady flow of income from various projects, which has allowed me to buy gear and equipment to level up as a professional. I have the folks at Lancify to thank for giving me one of my first ever big budget projects and who have constantly helped me with this journey.